The Daily Blade: Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson

#30 - Joby Martin // Climbing Roofs

Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson Season 1 Episode 30

This episode emphasizes the vital role of community in faith and challenges listeners to identify and reach out to their "one more." By exploring the story of the paralytic, we discuss practical steps to share faith and lead others to Jesus through genuine personal commitment and prayer.

• Engaging with the story of the paralytic man
• Understanding the concept of "one more"
• Strategies for intentionally reaching out to someone
• The importance of prayer in evangelism
• Overcoming barriers to sharing faith
• Practical approaches to invite others to church or share the Gospel
• Encouragement to take action in the mission of faith

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Daily Blade. The Word of God is described as the sword of the Spirit, the primary spiritual weapon in the Christian's armor against the forces of evil. Your hosts are Joby Martin and Kyle Thompson, and they stand ready to equip men for the fight. Let's sharpen up.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back. We're going back to Mark, chapter 2. We're going to go over some verses that we went over yesterday, but, as you know, there's way more than five minutes of content in every single word of the verses that we read. So we're going to be repeating a lot, Beginning of verse 3, it says this and they came, these are the four friends. And they came bringing to Jesus a paralytic carried by four men, and when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay.

Speaker 2:

Now here's what I want to ask you Is there anybody in your life that you care enough that you would pick them up and take them to Jesus? And if so, what are you willing to do? Or maybe a better question is what are you not willing to do? And so if you were a Jesus follower, if you have come to a place where you have surrendered your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, then let me ask you who are you trying to bring to the feet of Jesus? I mean, I assure you there are men and women in your life, but we'll just focus on the men. There are men in your life and they are spiritually paralyzed, they are spiritually bankrupt. You know these men, you work with them, you coach ball with them. You know these people in your life and what are you doing right now, this week, to lead this person to Christ?

Speaker 2:

Around here at the Church of 1122, we call? Those people in our lives are one more, and the place we got that language is from Acts 1124. The Bible says he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord and in the kingdom of God. A great number is not the tens of thousands of people that attend our church at Easter. What a great number is in the kingdom of God is just one more. Why? Because Jesus was the kind of shepherd that was willing to leave the 99 to go chasing after the one.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever considered this that God Almighty has designed you? He has put you together just the way he wanted to. He has given you your opportunities and your job and your wife and your family, and he has assigned you in a particular neighborhood, in a particular county, in a particular city, in a particular state, with particular people around you. And what if you made yourself available to say To the God that I love, would you help use me to introduce people that I love to you? The God that I love, I would call that your one more. So who is the one more person that you're going to pray for? Who is that one more person that you're going to say, God, would you use me to lead that person to you? Could be your spouse, could be a relative, could be a friend, could be a coworker, could be your son, could be your daughter.

Speaker 2:

And the moment you begin to identify your one more, first of all, you don't need to make it public. You don't need to tell the guy at work hey, Ted, you're my one more. And he goes what's that mean? Well, you're going to go to hell, but I'm trying to keep you out of there by sharing Jesus with you. That's not what you do, but what I dare you to do is get committed to begin to pray for that one more, starting right now that today, this is a prayer that God wants to answer. I dare you to begin to pray that God would use you to do whatever it takes to bring that person to Jesus and then do whatever it takes. I dare you to risk it all.

Speaker 2:

Last week, Kyle went over how hard it would have been to tear through a first century roof. Well, I dare you to tear through whatever feels like awkwardness to you in inviting that person to hear the gospel. I dare you to tear through whatever fear you might have about sharing your testimony. I dare you to tear through what other people think about you and share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with anybody that God has put in your path, that he leads you to. I dare you to share your faith.

Speaker 2:

Now, when you hear share your faith, you may think of the crazy guy on the way to the ball game screaming repent and go to hell, and you think that's the only way to share your faith. No, no, no, no, no. Maybe you would share an invitation to a gospel preaching church. I mean, heck, share a link to one of my sermons where I preach the gospel. Or maybe you would share an invitation for somebody to come to your church with you. Or maybe you would just share an opportunity to pray for somebody.

Speaker 2:

I don't know anybody. That's anti-prayer. And I'm telling you what when the wheels start falling off of somebody's life. They don't go to the fun guy at work, they go to the pray guy at work and maybe, if that person isn't ready because never do we want to push people past where they are ready to respond, Maybe you continue to share a cup of coffee and share a burden. But the reason that you're doing that is because you are willing to do whatever it takes to tear off the roof to lead one more person to Jesus Christ. I to tear off the roof to lead one more person to Jesus Christ. I want you to identify that person and say God, here I am, I'll do whatever you've called me to do to help that man come to Christ. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to today's episode Before you go. If you want to help equip other men for the fight, share this podcast around and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Stay sharp.

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