The Daily Blade: Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson
The Daily Blade, hosted by Pastor Joby Martin of the Church of Eleven22 and Kyle Thompson of Undaunted.Life, is a short-form devotional show that equips Christians to apply the Word of God to their everyday lives.
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The Daily Blade: Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson
#19 - Joby Martin // Human Nature and Redemption
Romans chapter 3 reveals the universal condition of sin, emphasizing that both Jews and Gentiles are equally deprived and in need of a Savior. The episode challenges listeners' perceptions of their spiritual standing and invites reflection on the necessity of a personal relationship with Christ for salvation.
• Explanation of Romans 3 as a pivotal scripture
• Insufficient reliance on upbringing in faith for salvation
• Understanding the concept of being 'under sin'
• The critical distinction between being good and being saved
• Importance of acknowledging spiritual bankruptcy
• The call to realize our need for a Savior
• Equality of humanity in sin
• Encouragement to return for the promise of redemption
• Call to action to share the podcast and leave a rating
Welcome to the Daily Blade. The Word of God is described as the sword of the Spirit, the primary spiritual weapon in the Christian's armor against the forces of evil. Your hosts are Joby Martin and Kyle Thompson, and they stand ready to equip men for the fight. Let's sharpen up.
Speaker 2:All right, let's dive in Romans, chapter 3. This entire week, we're just going to study Romans, chapter 3, beginning in verse 9 and following. Martin Luther says this is the most important paragraph that has ever been written in the history of humanity. He says Romans chapter 8 is the greatest chapter ever written. I agree, but this part of Romans, chapter 3, is the most important paragraph of all time, and I agree.
Speaker 2:Romans chapter 3, verse 9, says this what then? Are we Jews any better off? Now let me explain real quick. He spent the first couple of chapters of the book of Romans describing the promises of God to the Jewish people. In our context, what he means is this do you get any kind of a special place in eternal line because of your involvement in church? And his answer is no, not at all. And here's what he means you don't get to inherit your faith from your parents that God saves first names, not last names.
Speaker 2:So, with that in mind, hear this what then, are we Jews any better off? No, not at all, for we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin. That's an important phrase under sin, as it is written, none is righteous, no, not one. No one understands. No one seeks for God. All have turned aside Together. They have become worthless. No one does good, not even one. Their throat is an open grave. They use their tongues to deceive. The venom of asps is under their lips. Their mouths are full of curses and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. In their paths are ruin and misery In the way of peace. They have not known there is no fear of God before their eyes.
Speaker 2:Now you may be listening to this on Monday morning on your way to work, thinking well, this isn't very encouraging. Well, you may be listening to this on Monday morning on your way to work, thinking well, this isn't very encouraging. Well, here's my encouraging news for you. You, my friend, are a sinner by nature and nurture. You're not a mistaker that needs a life coach. You're not just a bad person that needs to do better, but the Bible would have us know that you and I have inherited a sin nature. Now, the younger you are, the more offended you may be, and I know some of you in your 20s or teens, even if you're listening, you say whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Pastor, I don't think you understand. My kindergarten teacher told me that I was a snowflake and I was a puppy's breath and I was a Skittle, all right. Well, look here, skittle. Your kindergarten teacher is a liar. You and I are not good.
Speaker 2:In fact, paul says here that no one does good, that none is righteous, that every single one of us are sinners before an almighty God. That every single time that we have broken a promise to ourself or that we have hurt another person, every single time we have tried to rob glory from God, to make much of ourself, every single time where we said we were gonna do something and didn't, every single time we promised we would never do that thing again and we did. Every single time we have thought too highly of ourself, too lowly of somebody else, too lowly of God Almighty, then you and I have sinned. You and I, by nature and nurture, are sinners. So where's the good news? Here's the good news. That's just the prescription that we are not bad people in need of a better behavior, we are not mistakers in need of a life coach. That you and I are sinners in need of a savior and all of us fall into the same category.
Speaker 2:Now, not all categories of sin are the same, but all of us fall into this category.
Speaker 2:That you and I, apart from Christ, we are lost, we are desperate, we are desolate, we are dead, and we need someone to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, and we need someone to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
Speaker 2:Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, says blessed are the poor in spirit. In other words, blessed are you right now, when you realize you are spiritually bankrupt and you need someone to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. So what advantage do you have eternally speaking by growing up in Sunday school and going to VBS and knowing a bunch of Bible verses? The answer is, in regards to your eternal life, none, because you are not just bad, you are dead and need to be brought to life. So what's the one thing I need you to know? I need you to know that, in and of yourself, you and I are lost, blind dead, and we need a savior. Now, if you've ever committed to listen to an entire week of the Daily Blade, this is the week that you have to listen to, because that is just the diagnosis of your situation. Come back each day this week and listen as we get to the cure.
Speaker 1:Peace each day this week and listen as we get to the cure Peace. Thank you for listening to today's episode Before you go. If you want to help equip other men for the fight, share this podcast around and leave us a five-star rating and review. Stay sharp.