The Daily Blade: Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson
The Daily Blade, hosted by Pastor Joby Martin of the Church of Eleven22 and Kyle Thompson of Undaunted.Life, is a short-form devotional show that equips Christians to apply the Word of God to their everyday lives.
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The Daily Blade: Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson
#13 - Joby Martin // Embracing Your Calling
This episode focuses on the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness over comparison and outcomes. We explore the responsibility of stewardship and our personal callings, urging listeners to reflect on how they live their lives in light of this teaching.
• The five-talent man exemplifies active engagement and accountability
• God values our faithfulness, not our outcomes
• The two-talent man receives the same commendation, highlighting consistent faithfulness
• A culture of comparison distracts from our personal responsibilities
• Our ability to do good comes from Christ's faithfulness
• We must prepare our lives to hear "well done" from God
• The episode challenges listeners to reflect on their service and stewardship
• Sharing the episode helps equip other men in their faith journey
Welcome to the Daily Blade. The Word of God is described as the sword of the Spirit, the primary spiritual weapon in the Christian's armor against the forces of evil. Your hosts are Joby Martin and Kyle Thompson, and they stand ready to equip men for the fight. Let's sharpen up.
Speaker 2:All right, final day on Matthew, chapter 25. I want to look at the blessing, the promise that is given to the five talent man and the two talent man. Again, we're repeating here. But the Bible says and he who had received the five talents came forward bringing the five talents more. And of course he did.
Speaker 2:When the master re-enters the scene, do you know who's first in line to go talk to the master? Well, it's the five-talent guy. Why? Because he is pumped to be held accountable for what he has done. I don't know if you've ever done this. Have you ever been tasked with a project while your boss was out of town? And when he gets back and you landed the biggest deal in your company's history, then who's going to be the first one in the boss's office? And you're going to be there with a paper and a cup of coffee saying, hey, how was your vacation? And you want him to ask you about your week. This is what this guy is doing when he gives an account. And here's what his master says to him Well done, good and faithful servant.
Speaker 2:By the way, he says the exact same blessing to the two-talent man, which is a reminder that the master does not compare our outcomes to other people's outcomes. He only compares us to what he has called us to do. He doesn't say good and fruitful servant. He says good and faithful servant. What we have been called to do, men, is to be faithful to what God has called us to, and the fruit is up to him. He says well done, good and faithful servant. You've been faithful over a little and I will set you over much.
Speaker 2:You know, oftentimes, especially men, we want more, we want more. We want more, we want more responsibility, we want more money, we want more influence and, according to the way God has set this thing up, then he who has been faithful over whatever God has given them, then, and only then, will he be proven worthy for God to trust him with more. Again, I asked this earlier this week. Oftentimes, when I talk to folks about money, I ask them this question if you were God, would you give you more money based on what you have been doing with what God has given you? And so everything that you have been given is a blood-bought grace gift from God. It's not fair whether you started as a five-talent guy or a two-talent guy or a one-talent guy, but you will not be held accountable to what other people have done with what God has given them. You will be held to account for what God has given to you, and one day you will settle accounts before the Lord.
Speaker 2:And so let me ask you do you think you are going to hear these words well done, good and faithful servant, or do you think you're going to hear the words depart from me, you, wicked and slothful servant? Now, the key to understanding this is that the reason that we can hear well done, good and faithful servant from Jesus is not because what we have done on our own power. The reason that we hear well done, good and faithful servant is because of the faithfulness of Christ to come and do what he has been commanded to do by his father, which means he came to fulfill every promise and prophecy of the old covenant, that he lived the life that we could not live, that he died the death that every single one of us deserve, and that when Jesus Christ pushed up on his nail pierced feet and says it is finished for anyone who would believe that when he died on the crossced feet, and says it is finished for anyone who would believe that when he died on the cross it counted for them. Then we received the right to be called a son of God. But the moment you are drafted into the armory of God, adopted into the family of God, then we are given an assignment, and us accomplishing the assignment does not earn our right standing before God.
Speaker 2:The reason that we do the things that he has commanded us to do is because we are filled by his spirit and we call him our Lord.
Speaker 2:And to call him our Lord means I'm not the boss of me, you're the boss of me and I do what you tell me to do. So, men, there will come a day where you stand before your maker, your judge, your creator and your savior, and the way we live our lives will impact forever. And how do we get ready for the end of times? We trust Christ, we don't miss the party. We surrender our lives to the lordship of jesus christ. That was the first parable. How should it impact our lives, whatever we've done for the least of these, we've done unto jesus, and how should we conduct ourselves as men? That we leverage all the time treasure that he has given us to push back darkness and advance the gospel, and because of what Christ has done for us and because we willfully receive that by grace, through faith, then one day we will hear this well done, good and faithful servant. Now, men, may you go and be about your father's business.
Speaker 1:Amen. Thank you for listening to today's episode Before you go. If you want to help equip other men for the fight, share this podcast around and leave us a five-star rating and review. Stay sharp.